Do Your Own Dishes

Friday, February 12, 2010

What Women Do NOT Want For Valentine’s 2010

A SNIPIT I found online. I really like this one.

Here are a few hints from female readers recently polled about what they’d rather NOT receive for Valentine’s Day:

*Forget the waxy store bought chocolates, my own are much better, or give me a taste or two of some rich dark chocolate, but not enough to hurt my waist.

*No lingerie. What does he want? More sex?

*A perfume I don’t like. Why doesn’t he know what I wear by now?

*A product manufactured by child labor in a foreign country.

*A dieting book. Doesn’t that just say, “You’re so fat!”

Whether you’re rich or not, money is not always a woman’s priority. You can still give your sweetheart the love she needs on Valentine's and all year long.


* Respect her. Listen when she is talking.

* Believe in her and her abilities.

* Tell her that she’s beautiful every day.

* Acknowledge her needs as an individual by giving her time for herself.

* Explore what she enjoys doing—even if you don’t like it.

* Prepare a special dinner on Valentine’s Day. (Make it something other than a sandwich and canned soup.)

* Flowers are nice, if you can afford them.

* Create a special piece of art, write a poem, or dance with your love.

* Light a candle.Say, “I love you.”
- BASIL & SPICE OPINION - ATTN MEN--What Women Do NOT Want For Valentine’s 2010
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Watching on Amazon - Video on Demand!

I absolutely loved this movie when I first saw it, and plan on watching it again this evening on

I usually watch all of my movies there. It is pretty convenient, no download time, good price, and excellent play back.

Yes, I'm a fan!
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